Man and Woman's best friend. The instinct to herd and chase comes natural to them. Whether it be on the ground or in the water there is few places they can not give chase. Very intelligent and exacting with commands our fury friends are eager to help out when the situation presents itself.
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Canine Deterance Team
The Air and Ground Crew we work with every single day of the year
Lords of the sky. The fastest animal on the planet. Capable of speeds of 200 mph. If you want a protective shield over your facility the falcon fits the bill.
Problem birds swarm together and exit the area. Most generally anything flying below the falcon has a life threatening fear factor flowing through its mind. Thus we can clear an area rather quickly with an ally above in certain weather conditions.
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The most frequently used avian ace in are arsenal. They move quickly and with determination to the opposing nuisance bird. In and around obstacles. Up and down towers. They fly platform to platform. They can infiltrate pipe racks. They have even been seen walking a beam and going through holes in pursuit of their intended target. The quick speed and braking skills allow for indoor flights.
Avian Engineers
TEL (515)778-4204
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