The Plastic Owl

    The birds that are in, around and above your facility have a fear. We focus on that fear and train the problem birds to find another place to take up residence. Our trained raptors get into the hard to reach areas and apply pressure to leave the area.  Essentially teaching the nuisance birds that the environment is unsafe and thus movement out of the area is in the best interests of all parties involved.    

The End Result

    While some believe it to be the end solution.  In most situations they are ineffective as the birds are merely roosting in the area, they have a food source elsewhere. Poisons pose legal,environmental,custodial and public image issues that can far outweigh the sometimes thought lower initial investment.  Birds have a crop.It is a storage area before the food travels to the stomach. It can take hours for the bird to transgress to the end.  That may be at your facility or your neighbors in the industrial business complex or at a neighborhood playground. Have you ever had a dead mouse you couldn't find? The less than desirable smell and decomposition process can last an eternity. We are environmentally friendly and have worked hand in hand with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the Army Corp of Engineers to solve wildlife conflict issues. 


Will a plastic owl work?  Yes if only for a moment until the intellectual bird realizes that it poses no danger and provides a rather nice place to perch and perform some bathroom duties.  The use of live predators ensures a 99.9% different result.. When was the last time you sat down next to a live lion?

Avian Engineers

Poisons Poisons Poisons

The Natural Predator Prey Instinct

The Natural Predator Prey Instinct Solutions Provider

A safe clean work environment with no avian conflict.  Elimination of nesting and roosting sites.Clean hand rails and ladder rungs. Your HVAC system can breath easier free from nest and fecal material. The roofing materials should last much longer without corrosive droppings degrading them.  Vendor and health inspections that reflect proactive measures that you have worked toward in an effort to provide excellent working conditions and manufacture processes. The community image that the portrays an environmentally conscious company.

TEL (515)778-4204

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