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The AVIX Autonomic is a fully automated bird deterent laser system​ that automatically deters birds from sites 24 hours a day 365 days a year.​

The effective range is large and wide, with ideal circustances one laser can cover up to 3000 acres. The laser bird detering system projects a harmless laser light that approaches pest birds, birds see the bird detering laser as a threat and will avoid the area. The system has proven to be effective over time as the birds will not get used to the beam.

As a certified installer, Avian Engineers has been effectively deploying the bird detering laser systems for over six years. Do you need a solution to your bird problem? Avian Engineers can offer you a complete solution, please contact us via :(515)778-4204 or

Avix Autonomic

Bird Detering Laser System

Authorized Installer and Integrator for Bird Control Group


Avian Engineers